
Talk about it Tuesday: On loving an EOD tech

Husband and I will be celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary tomorrow. The entire time we've been married he's been EOD. Our first year of marriage he was going through tech school and it was tough on us. He worked long hours and I didn't really get to see him much because I had a full time job as well. On top of learning how to sustain a healthy relationship, I had to learn a few things about how to do that while married to an EOD tech. As a disclosure, if you have a weak stomach, stop reading now and check out a different post... Otherwise, grab a beer, kick back and read on. Lessons from a seasoned EOMFDW. 1. How to compromise with a man child and constantly tolerating the most ridiculous behavior imaginable.      It is no secret that EOD techs are, for lack of a better word, cocky. They are wild and love to party and I absolutely love it. I think the whole "work hard, play harder" phrase was created to describe EOD. When they are home, especially right...